Join Us
Check out the about section to meet the foundation members of our group. There are more of us not yet profiled.
In your life course, you may have dreamed about heading off to an island paradise. Treasure island, to live, swim, conserve nature and have a home away from home or to create a new home.
You can join us, as we build, as we take action to promote environmental protection, social, health and economic projects and as we chill on the beach, replant forests and look after the animals.
Join us on holiday, join us and stay for a few months or more, contribute your knowledge, networks or resources and be an ambassador for what we are creating in Sunny Samoa.
If you are passionate about environmental protection, community development and want to be involved with one of our projects, do contact us.
You can volunteer, on the ground doing hands on conservation projects or you can help out online, from the office or by simply spreading the word.
Send us a message, join us on facebook, follow the blog on this site, stay in the loop and when you see something we are doing that moves you, get involved.
Be sure to find us on our platforms and follow us. Over the coming years we will develop more content that reflects our aims and actions.
Keep connected on facebook, streaming twitch, youtube, tiktok, instagram and the other links shown on the page.
Also register for our mailing list.
IF you follow us, you may see what we are up to and get inspired to be involved.
As part of the planning process, we like to ensure that all projects that we support are feasible or can be initiated with the limited funds we have on hand.
We are always keen to be supported financially, the best way you can help with that is either to donate, buy some of our Nuskin products or come stay with us at Camp Samoa.
Click HERE to learn about how to support us.
Stay With US
You are welcome to come and stay with us. If you are visiting Christchurch or Samoa we have room for you.
In Christchurch you can join us in the city, run shop, fix boats, develop the dream. Backpacker rates, at our houses or on the boats.
If you are visiting Samoa, you can stay with us or go stay on the beach and camp it out. Talk with our people, explore, help develop the concept. Backpacker rates, and good fun.
There are so many ways that you can contribute. When you see one of our projects rolling out, you may have knowledge, connections, information, research or a means to contribute to the project.
Simply contact us and we can chat.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.