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The Reef

From Camp Samoa we will be looking after the reef. 

Our camp is by the lagoon and reef within the protected marine sanctuary.

The reef has sustained damage from tidal waves and also the COTS a star fish that is eating away at the reef. 

The reef also is under threat from global warming, acidification and other risks to international reefs. 

Guests at camp alongside our village families will 

- Conduct reef and fish surveys

- Research the reef

- Live stream the reef

- Replant the reef 

- Grow clams, preserve and promote other marine life

- Conserve sea turtles

- Support sustainable fishing for locals

- Promote reef health awareness and education 

While we conserve the reef we will swim, sing, fish, surf, live and love and get married and make babies.

Join us on the reef, follow the updates on the programme as it develops.

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